Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Max Mara Weekend openning

Modna ponuda u Beogradu od prošle nedelje je bogatija za još jednu ekskluzivnu prodavnicu. U pitanju je Max Mara Weekend u tržnom centru ˝Ušće˝, na čijem sam svečanom otvaranju imala prilike da prisustvujem, i za tu priliku ponesem neke od komada iz njihove najnovije kolekcije za proleće-leto. Kao što je poznato modnim znalcima, osnovne karakteristike ovog brenda su kvalitet, sjajni materijali, jednostavni krojevi i vrhunska (sportska) elegancija. Novu kolekciju karakterišu afrički i floralni printovi, a u lookbook-u možete videti da je ideja da se oni nose u mix&match maniru. Pored toga, deo kolekcije je posvećen ˝mornarskom˝ stilu sa teget, belim i prugastim komadima. 

Fashion offer in Belgrade became richer for another exclusive store last week. I am talking about Max Mara Weekend store at ˝Ušće˝ shopping mall, whose opening ceremony I had the opportunity to attend. For this occasion I wore a couple of pieces from the  upcoming fabulous spring/summer collection. As it is well known among the fashion enthusiasts, the basic features of this brand are great quality, high class materials, simple cuts and premium (sporty) elegance. The new collection is characterized by floral and African prints, and as you can see in the  lookbook - they are meant to be worn in a mix & match style. In addition to this, a part of the collection is dedicated to ˝navy˝ looks with dark blue, white and striped pieces.

Otvaranje je, kao i sam brend, bilo veoma elegantno uz pratnju sjajnog gudačkog kvarteta Wonder strings, a gosti su na licu mesta imali priliku da poziraju za karikature.  Sama prodavnica prostire se na 90m2, i odiše italijanskim primorskim stilom. Drvo, modeli brodića i interesantni komadi na zidovima učiniće da se osećate kao kod svoje kuće, a moj omiljeni kutak u prodavnici je zid ispred kabine sa kombinacijom slika i tanjirića. 

The opening, as the brand itself, was very elegant and accompanied by the great string quartet Wonder strings, while on the other side the guests had the opportunity to pose for their caricatures. The store covers an area of 90m2, and exudes Italian maritime style. Wood, model boats and interesting pieces on the walls will make you feel right at home, and my favorite corner in the store is a wall in front of the cabin with a combination of images and old-school plates.

Posebnu poslasticu nove kolekcije čine ogrlice, koje mogu da učine čak i najobičniju kombinaciju glamuroznom, kao i veoma kvalitetne torbe. 

Necklaces are a special treat in the new collection, and in my opinion they can turn glamorous even the most ordinary outfit, as well as the high-quality handbags.

Malo je reći da sam bila potpuno oduševljena kombinacijom koju sam izabrala: afrički print + cveće + statement narandžasta ogrlica = POGODAK! A vas podstičem da budete hrabre i u svom ormaru pronađete nespojive komade i iznesete ih ovog proleća na najbolji naćin!

To say that I was totally mesmerized by my combo is an understatement. African print + flowers + orange statement necklace = BINGO!  I urge you to be courageous, find items like this in your wardrobe (or better yet get the new ones) and present them this spring at their finest! 


Cheers and congrats!